DSB Provisions. Dustin & Stacey Busby’s Family Farm, Maryville TN

by Amy Campbell


DSB Provisions. Dustin & Stacey Busby’s Family Farm, Maryville TN

Today, we are setting the table with artisan-made pasta and sauces made with farm-raised ingredients on a family farm. Our guests are Dustin and Stacey Busby of DSB Provisions from Maryville, TN. DSB Provisions is a family farm where Dustin, Stacey, and their 3 kids grow fruits and vegetables, raise chickens and rabbits, make homemade pasta and sauces, and offer a personal chef experience. We also hear from Mary Dee Dee Constantine on the topic of collards and her recipe for a quick meal using collard greens and angel hair pasta that she calls Asian Noodles and Greens.


DSB Provisions: https://www.dsbprovisions.com/

Dee Dee Constantine: https://www.instagram.com/Skilletsister/?hl=en

Emi Sunshine (sings our theme song): https://theemisunshine.com/

DSB Roasted Pepper Ricotta Ravioli. Photo: DSB Provisions.

Stacey Busby and Camden on the farm. Photo: DSB Provisions.

The whole family helps with DSB Provisions. Photo: DSB Provisions.

Farming for a Living with Zavels Family Farm, Corryton, Tennessee

by Amy Campbell

S10.E20. 05/20/2023

Today, we are setting the table with Family Farming. We visit with Mike and Tammy Zavels of Zavels Family Farms in Corryton, TN. This farming family is a very successful family farm in the eastern region of Tennessee. They will let us know how they got into farming, how the family has grown, and the diversity of farm products they produce. They also give some experienced advice to those contemplating a life of farming for a living.

In Fred Sauceman’s Pot Luck Radio Series, he features one of Tennessee’s oldest restaurants in continuous operation, “Sarzour’s” of Chattanooga.

Zavels Family Farm - http://www.zavelsfamilyfarms.com/

Fred Sauceman - https://www.facebook.com/fred.sauceman

Pictured are Tammy and Mike Zavels at home at the family table built by their son Zack. Every week on Friday night the family gathers around this table and shares a family meal. Photo from Amy Campbell, 2021.

Pictured: The late Shirley Fuller of “Zarsour’s”, Chattanooga. “Zarzour’s” is one of Tennessee’s oldest restaurants in continuous operation. Photograph provided by Fred Sauceman.