Singer, Songwriter, Fiddle Teacher, Sarah Pirkle on the Junior Appalchian Musicians (JAM) program

by Amy Campbell

S11:E40. 09/28/2024

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Singer, Songwriter, Fiddle Teacher, Sarah Pirkle on the Junior Appalchian
Amy Campbell. the Tennessee Farm Table Podcast and Radio Broadcast

Singer, Songwriter, Fiddle Teacher, Sarah Pirkle on the Junior Appalchian Musicians (JAM) Program

A visit with Singer and Songwriter Sarah Pickle, a Tennessee Treasure, program director, and fiddle instructor with Smoky Mountain JAM, Junior Appalachian Musicians program. I also asked her how she wrote her song The Piney Rose and about her chicken and dumplings on my latest radio broadcast and podcast.


Sarah Pirckle and Jeff Barbara Music:

Junior Appalachian Musicians:

Great Smoky Mountains Heritage Center:

Sarah Pirkle at the Great Smoky Mountains Heritage Center. Amy Campbell 2023.

Sorghum Syrup, an Appalachian Culinary Tradition

by Amy Campbell

S11:E39. 09/21/2024

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Sorghum Syrup, an Appalachian Culinary Tradition
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast and Radio Broadcast

Sorghum Syrup, an Appalachian Culinary Tradition

Sorghum Syrup with Ronni Lundy, Fred Sauceman, Matt Gallagher & Mary “Dee Dee” Constantine.

We are setting the table with Sorghum, an ancient African Grass adapted to the southern table. Fred Sauceman shares a segment with Dr. Mike Fleenor, Sorghum Maker. Ronni Lundy, 2 x James Beard award-winning food writer on differences between Sorghum and molasses. Mary “Dee Dee” Constantine shares a recipe for Butternut Squash and Apple Bake using a recipe from Ronni Lundy’s book “Sorghum Savor.”Chef Matt Gallagher on the topic of biscuits and Sorghum butter.

Links: To purchase sorghum, made in Tennessee, look for Muddy Pond Sorghum at your local fruit stand, or from thier website:

Fred Sauceman:

Ronni Lundy:

Mary “Dee Dee” Constantine: @skilletsister

Knoxville Chef Matt Gallaher of the former Knox Mason and Emilia Restaurants in downtown Knoxville, Tennessee.

Recipe for Butternut Squash and Apple Bake with Sorghum From Sorghum Savor by Ronni Lundy

Sugar Cane being pressed for juice at Muddy Pond Sorghum Mill, Montery, TN

Minnie Pearl Pickle Recipes, Elizabeth Simms on John Egerton and Writer Robert Gipe

by Amy Campbell

S11:E36, 08/31/2024

Minnie Pearl Pickle Recipes, Elizabeth Simms on John Egerton and Writer Robert Gipe
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast & Broadcast

In this episode, we are setting the table with pickles.

I (Amy Campbell) share Minnie Pearl’s recipes for Curry Pickles and Mustard Pickles from her cookbook Minnie Pearl Cooks.

Fred Sauceman shares a pickle recipe from Distiller Jack Daniel’s great, great, gran niece, Lynne Tolley.

Who was John Egerton? Elizabeth Simms lets us know who this man was & Robert Gipe tells a humorous story of his days working in a pickle factory. Amy recorded Elizabeth & Robert at the Appalachian Food Summit in September of 2016.


Elizabeth Simms

Robert Gipe:

Fred Sauceman

Appalachian Food Summit:

John C Egerton: [][4]


Minnie Pearl’s Curry Pickle recipe:

Equipment you will need:

  • 4 pint jars
  • A pot that will hold at least 6 quarts of boiling liquid
  • Hot Water bath canner with the wire basket
  • Hand held Jar lifter, air bubble wand
  • Magnetic wand for lifting lids out of hot water
  • New, clean canning lids
  • A drying rack placed away from drafts
  • Several of clean kitchen towels

To Prepare:

  • Wash your jars in the dishwasher, or really well with hot, soapy water.
  • Boil your jars for a minimum of 10 minutes and keep these jars in the hot water on simmer until you need to use them.
  • Get a small saucepan out, fill with water to half full, bring the water to boil, and place your lids in the water. Keep them in this hot water until you need to use them. (I know, they say you don’t need to do this step, but I am stuck in old ways, so, do as you like on that step)

Groceries you will need:

  • 2 1/2 pounds 4-5 inch picking cucumbers
  • 1 c sugar
  • 2 T salt
  • 2 T mustard seed
  • 2 T curry powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp celery seed
  • 1 2/3 c white vinegar
  • 1 c water


  • Wash cucumbers thoroughly. Be sure to cut off both ends where bacteria can remain. Cut into chunks.
  • Combine sugar and remaining ingredients (except cucumbers)
  • Heat to boiling. Add cucumbers. Heat just to boiling point.
  • Simmer while quickly packing 1 hot, sterilized jar at a time.
  • Fill to within 1/8 inch from the top making sure vinegar solution covers cucumbers.
  • Seal and process in boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Makes 4 pints.
  • *And a note from me here: Always consult the Ball Blue Book for correct times and safe canning instructions.

Minnie Pearl’s Mustard Pickle Recipe:

Ingredient List:

  • 2 quarts medium-sized cucumbers
  • 1 quart green tomatoes
  • 1 large cauliflower
  • 2 sweet red peppers
  • 1 quart pickling onions
  • 1 cup salt
  • 3 quarts water
  • 6 T. dry mustard
  • 1 T. tnumeric
  • 1 c. all purpose flour
  • 3/4 c. water
  • 2 c. sugar
  • 2 quarts vinegar
  • 2 T. celery seed
  • 1 T/ peppercorns


  • Wash and drain vegetables. Cut cucumbers into 1/2-inch cubes, tomatoes into wedges, and cauliflower into small flowerets. Remove seed from peppers. Cut into small pieces. Peel onions. Cut in half
  • Dissolve salt in 3 quarts water
  • Pour over vegetables. Let stand 12 hours
  • Rinse. Drain and let sit in the fridge for 1 hour
  • Combine dry mustard. turmeric, and flour
  • Gradually add the 3/4 cup water, stirring until smooth. Add sugar, vinegar, celery seed, and peppercorns
  • Cook over medium heat until sauce coats a spoon
  • Add vegetables
  • Simmer 15 minutes
  • Pack, boiling hot, into sterilized jars. leaving 1/4 inch headspace. Seal. Process 10 minutes in boiling water bath. Makes 12 pints.
  • *Refer to the Ball Blue Book for directions on safe food preservation methods.

Overnight Pickle Recipe shared by Fred Sauceman:

Overnight Pickles adapted from the cookbook Jack Daniels the Spirit of Tennessee Cookbook, written by Pat Mitchamore and Lynne Tolley.

  • Peel slice 6 med cucumbers
  • 2 sm onions sliced
  • 1/4 c sugar
  • 1 c apple cider vinegar/or white vinegar
  • 1 tsp mustard seed
  • 1 tsp dill seed
  • 1 tsp celery seed
  • 1 T tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp cream of tarter
  • Bring to boil, boil for 1 min
  • Pour over cucumbers and onions
  • Pour mixture in a no-reactive bowl, cover and marinate overnight These will be ready to eat the next day.

This is a good cookbook Minnie Pearl Cooks written by the queen of country comedy Minnie Pearl. Copies can be found fairly easily for a reasonable price in paperback. Published in 1970.

Robert Gipe (left), Elizabeth Simms and Chef Travis Milton photographed at the Appalachian Food Summit, Loyal Jones Appalachian Center, Berea, Kentucky in 2016. Photo: Amy Campbell.

Brooks Lamb, Author of Love For the Land, Lessons from Farmers Who Persist in Place.

by Amy Campbell

Brooks Lamb, Author of Love For the Land, Lessons from Farmers Who Persist in Place.
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast &Radio Broadcast


Brooks Lamb, Author of Love For the Land, Lessons from Farmers Who Persist in Place.

Today, we are setting the table with a discussion about land. Agricultural land, and the problem of the fast disappearance of this land across our country. Our guest is Brooks Lamb, Author of Love for the Land, Lessons from Farmers Who Persist in Place. Published through Yale University Press. This book is deeply related to Tennessee, Southern, and American agriculture. At its core, Love for the Land shares the power and potential of people-place relationships. To do so, the book explores why some small and midsize farmers continue to care for their land, even in the face of tremendous adversity. In terms of adversity, he pays particular attention to farmland loss from sprawl and haphazard development, agricultural consolidation, and, for farmers of color, injustices in the past and present. Despite these challenges, some small and midsized farmers persevere. In dozens of interviews with farmers in two Tennessee counties, which serve as microcosms of agrarian communities across the country, Brooks found that love for the land and devotion to place -- virtues that align with Wendell Berry's writings on imagination, affection, and fidelity -- fuel their persistence and stewardship. Brooks writes that we need to better support these farmers -- and that we all have something to learn from them, no matter where we live.

If you are moved by this podcast to help with this crucial problem of farmland loss - and are thinking about year-end-giving - there is an organization that Brooks is closely aligned and works with that is actively addressing farmland loss and conversion in the Volunteer State, this organization is called American Farmland Trust.

We have also placed a link directly to that organization on our website too. It is

Brooks Lamb’s website and where to buy Brooks Lamb’s book:

American Farmland Trust:

Emi Sunshine (Sang our theme song when she was 9 years old!):

Celebrating the Pig and Bluegrass Music

by Amy Campbell

S11:E34 -8/17/2024

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Celebrating the Pig and Bluegrass Music
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast &Radio Broadcast

We celebrate the “Pig” and Bluegrass Music with guests who share pork recipes. And a visit with singer and songwriter Evie Andrus and the East Tennessee Bluegrass Association Evie formed and their concert series. Our guests are: Aliceson and Barry Bales, Bales Farms, Mosheim, TN with a recipe for smoked pork shoulder and BBQ sauce; Fred Sauceman with a pork roast recipe; and Evie Andrus discussing the the East Tennessee Bluegrass Association that she formed. they have a concert series at Ijam’s Nature Center called “Pick’in on Nature with the concert taking place August 29th, October 10th, and December 14th.


Bales Farms:

Ijam’s Nature Center:

Fred Sauceman:

Three Rivers Co-Op:

Emi Sunshine (Sang our theme song when she was 9 years old!):


by Amy Campbell

S11:E33 - 8/10/2024

Corn, Corn Relish, and Corn Cob Jelly recipes with Rachel Abbott Davis of J and R Farms, plus a beautiful audio essay on corn from author and gardener Kelly Smith Trimble.


Kelly Smith Trimble: 

J & R Farms: Rachel’s Canning Corse: Rachel’s instagram page: USDA complete guide to home canning:

Recipe: This recipe came from a notebook of Rachel’s Great Grandmother Minnie Grindstaff’s canning recipes. Rachel and John had a truckload of corn they needed to do something with, so she decided to try this corn relish recipe out and loved it. They use it on everything as a side, and it is perfect on pinto beans with cornbread. The recipe calls for cabbage, but Rachel leaves that out.

Ingredient list:

  • 12 ears fresh corn
  • 1 large cabbage head, shredded
  • 6 small garden onions, or 1 or 2 large onions
  • 6 bell peppers
  • 2 red sweet peppers
  • 2 - 4 Jalapeno peppers
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 quart vinegar
  • 1 T Salt
  • 1 T Ground mustard


Cook corn and vinegar together for 20 minutes, add the rest and cook for 30 minutes. Ladle hot mixture into hot, sterilized jars leaving 1/2 inch head space.

Clean jar lids with clean, damp cloth, apply lids and bands and finger tighten bands.

Process jars according to approved waterbacth canning instructions, or better yet, Rachel also has posted the complete recipe on her blog.

Rachel also hosts an online canning corse that she calls a can along with details on her instagram page at:

Photo: Rachel Abbott Davis of Maryville Tennessee is a young mother of 5, a homesteader, Instagram influencer, offers a course on home canning, she and her husband John own and operate J & R Farm. Rachel is pictured holding one of her jars of corn relish. Rachel shares her Great Grandmother’s recipe for this corn relish on this episode. Find Rachel’s blog from this link: Photo: Amy Campbell 2022.

Corn, Corn Relish, and Corn Cob Jelly recipes
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast &Radio Broadcast

Carolina Malt House, Cleveland North Carolina

by Amy Campbell

S11:E32. 8/3/2024

Carolina Malt House, Cleveland North Carolina
Amy Campbell. the Tennessee Farm Table Podcast & Radio Broadcast

Aaron Goss, Founder of the Carolina Malt House located in Cleveland North Carolina. Aaron works with local farmers within 10 miles of the Malt House who grow grains that the Carolina Malt House then makes into different styles of malted grains for breweries. Aaron also works with a Tennessee Farmer in Coffee County Tennessee who grows a specific barley for the Carolina Malt House named Tennessee 2 Row. Several award-winning Tennessee breweries use malts from the Carolina Malt House such as Blackberry Farm Brewery,Tennessee Brew Works, Common John, Yee Haw, and more.

Carolina Malt House:

Emi Sunshine (she sang our theme song at 9 years of age!)

Aaron Goss, Founder of the Carolina Malt House. Photo: Carolina Malt House.

Chef Jeff Carter, The 2nd Appalachian Homecoming, Pesto Festo, Slow Food TN Valley.

by Amy Campbell


Chef Jeff Carter, The 2nd Appalachian Homecoming, Pesto Festo, Slow Food TN Valley
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast & Radio Broadcast.

The 2nd Annual Appalachian Homecoming celebrates Modern Appalachian Cuisine, Music, and Art. August 1-4. My guest, Chef Jeff Carter, Executive Chef with Dancing Bear Appalachian Bistro talks about the 2nd Annual Appalachian Homecoming. Including:

  • Jim Lauderdale and the Po Ramblin’ Boys and Dinner on August 1st at Dancing Bear, Townsend.
  • Bacon at the Brewery Dinner with Darrell and Allan Benton of Bentons Smoky Mountain Cured Hams, Chef Jeff Carter of Dancing Bear Appalachian Bistro, Chef Trevor Stockton of RT Lodge, Chef David Rule of The Appalachian at the Peaceful Side Brewery, Maryville August 2nd.
  • Appalachian Homecoming August 3rd at Dancing Bear beginning at 9:00 am with Panelists, Chefs, and an Appalachian Lunch followed by immersive workshops in foraging, art, mountain craft, and music.
  • Bluegrass Brunch, August 4th.
  • Ending with the 15th Annual Pesto Festo benefitting Slow Food TN Valley Sunday evening at Dancing Bear. All events are ticketed for more information.


2nd Annual Appalachian Homecoming -

15th annual Pesto Festo Benefitting Slow Food Tennessee Valley -

Emi Sunshine ( Sang our theme song when she was 9-years-old) -

Chef Jeff Carter, Executive Chef, Oldham Hospitality including Dancing Bear Appalachian Bistro

Tomatoes - Tomato Jam Event - My Late Mother’s Tomato Pie Recipe

by Amy Campbell

S11:E29. 7/20/2024

Tomatoes, Tomato Jam Event,and My Late Mother’s Tomato Pie Recipe

News about an event 7/20/2024 called the Tomato Jam at the Blount County Public Library, I (Amy) share with you my Late Mother (Janie Clayton’s Tomato Pie recipe) , Dee Dee Constantine shares a recipe for Tomato Succotash and Allan Benton shares his favorite way to enjoy a BLT. He has an opinion on the mayonaise he prefers.

Blount County Public Libray

Blount County 4-H

UT Extension

Blount County Master Gardeners

Blount County Beekeepers Association

Dee Dee Constantine

Tomatoes, Tomato Jam Event, and My Late Mother’s Tomato Pie Recipe
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast and Radio Broadcast

Darrell and Allan Benton (Benton’s Smoky Mountain Country Hams)

Emi sunshine

Mom’s Easy Tomato Pie - From the recipe from Amy’s late Mother (Janie May Clayton)

Preheat oven to 350


  • Pie shell, cooked and cooled.  For gluten-free, make pie shell out of almond flour
  • 4 -5 medium Tomatoes, sliced.  Drained on paper towels
  • 1 Cup Dukes Mayonnaise, or JFG , or Blue Plate mayonnaise
  • ½ Cup fresh basil (coarsely chopped) optional
  • 1 Cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 egg


Lightly beat egg.  Add mayonnaise, blend in cheese.  Layer ½ of mixture over cooked and cooled pie shell.  Layer ½ of basil and tomatoes over mixture.  Layer remaining egg/mayonnaise/cheese mixture, basil and top with tomato

  Cook in a 350 degree preheated oven for 35 – 45 minutes.

Amy’s late Mother (Janie May Clayton) and her Tomato Pie Recipe.

Corn, Corn Relish, and Corn Cob Jelly recipes with Rachel Abbott Davis of J and R Farms

by Amy Campbell

Corn, Corn Relish, and Corn Cob Jelly recipes with Rachel Abbott Davis of J and R Farms
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast and Radio Broadcast

S11:E28. 07/13/2024

Corn, Corn Relish, and Corn Cob Jelly recipes with Rachel Abbott Davis of J and R Farms, plus a beautiful audio essay on corn from author and gardener Kelly Smith Trimble.

Links: Kelly Smith Trimble: J & R Farms: Rachel’s Canning Corse: Rachel’s instagram page: USDA complete guide to home canning:

Recipe: This recipe came from a notebook of Rachel’s Great Grandmother Minnie Grindstaff’s canning recipes. Rachel and John had a truckload of corn they needed to do something with, so she decided to try this corn relish recipe out and loved it. They use it on everything as a side, and it is perfect on pinto beans with cornbread. The recipe calls for cabbage, but Rachel leaves that out.

Ingredient list:

* 12 ears fresh corn
* 1 large cabbage head, shredded
* 6 small garden onions, or 1 or 2 large onions
* 6 bell peppers
* 2 red sweet peppers
* 2 - 4 Jalapeno peppers
* 2 cups sugar
* 1 quart vinegar
* 1 T Salt
* 1 T Ground mustard

Instructions: Cook corn and vinegar together for 20 minutes, add the rest and cook for 30 minutes.

Ladle hot mixture into hot, sterilized jars leaving 1/2 inch head space.

Clean jar lids with clean, damp cloth, apply lids and bands and finger tighten bands.

Process jars according to approved waterbacth canning instructions, or better yet, Rachel also has posted the complete recipe on her blog.

Rachel also hosts an online canning corse that she calls a can along with details on her instagram page at:

Photo: Rachel Abbott Davis of Maryville Tennessee is a young mother of 5, a homesteader, Instagram influencer, offers a course on home canning, she and her husband John own and operate J & R Farm. Rachel is pictured holding one of her jars of corn relish. Rachel shares her Great Grandmother’s recipe for this corn relish on this episode. Find Rachel’s blog from this link: Photo: Amy Campbell 2022.

Rachel Abbott Davis of Maryville Tennessee is a young mother of 5, a homesteader, Instagram influencer, offers a course on home canning, she and her husband John own and operate J & R Farm. Rachel is pictured holding one of her jars of corn relish. Rachel shares her Great Grandmother’s recipe for this corn relish on this episode. Find Rachel’s blog from this link:  Photo: Amy Campbell 2022.

Cooking Over an Open Fire with Chefs David Olson and Joseph Lenn

by Amy Campbell

S11:E27. 07/06/2024

Cooking Over an Open Fire with Chefs David Olson and Joseph Lenn

Live Fire Cooking with Chef David Olson, Live Fire Republic, and James Beard award-winning chef Joseph Lenn, owner of J.C. Holdway. Keep that kitchen cool; cook it outside!. How to cook juicy chicken and trout over live fire with Chef David Olsen of Live Fire Republic and Chef Joseph Lenn, owner of J.C. Holdway, Knoxville, TN. Also, news about the Appalachian Homecoming event at Dancing Bear Lodge, Townsend, TN. A grouping of chefs, farmers, and friends discussing and focusing on modern Appalachian cuisine. All on my latest radio broadcast and podcast.⁣

Live Fire Republic:

JC Holdway:

Emi Sunshine (sang our theme song when she was 9 years old!):

Chef Joseph Lenn, Owner of J.C. Holdway: with a prize catch. Photo: from Chef Lenn’s instagram page.

Chef David Olson creator of Live fire Republic:  and Amy Campbell. 2022.

Cooking Over an Open Fire with Chefs David Olson and Joseph Lenn
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast and Radio Broadcast

Berries, Fruit Pies and Cobblers and Recipes

by Amy Campbell

S11:E26. 06/29/2024

Berries, Fruit Pies and Cobblers and Recipes
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast and Radio Broadcast

Berries, Fruit Pies and Cobblers and Recipes

On this episode of the Tennessee Farm Table, Amy sets the table with berries of the season, locations of regional pick-your-own farms, recipes for fruit desserts, blackberry jam, and a Blackberry slump grunt from Dee Dee Constantine. Amy’s guests are Farmers Susan and John Keller of Blount County, TN, Dee Dee Constantine, Ruth Davis, and Lois Shuler Caughron (known as the last woman out of the Cove)⁣ ⁣ Lois and Ruth share memories of Kermit Caughron, how he enjoyed making “dew” from fruits of the season when a resident of Cades Cove, and news about a book signing at the Cades Cove Preservation Association.⁣

In addition to the podcast, The Tennessee Farm table is broadcast weekly by radio on Saturdays 9-9:30 WDVX, Knoxville, and 2-2:30 WUTC, Chattanooga. These are listener-supported non-commercial radio stations committed to delivering regionally produced programming like The Tennessee Farm Table. The Tennessee Farm Table is solely created, funded, produced, and financed by Campbell Creative and is not owned or produced by WDVX or WUTC.⁣

For recipes, keep scrolling, they are on this page.

Links to guests:

Susan and John Keller, Farmers and Owners of Kelmont Farms: Available by phone (865) 982-4267

Dee Dee Constantine: [][0]

Cades Cove Preservation Association: [][1]

Berry Farms in the East TN area::

Beauchene Berry Farm - U-Pick 9020 Bluegrass Rd Knoxville TN 37922 (865) 693-4221 Open: Tues, Fri, Sat Check this facebook page for directions and updates: [][2]

Honeys Blueberry Farm - U-Pick 4333 Kingston Hwy. Louden TN 37774 Phone: (720)-239-2472 Check this facebook page for directions and updated information: Facebook page: [][3]

Blueberry Hill Farm, Noris, TN Is not open this year for u-pick, but, they might be found at the Norris TN farmers’ market from time to time. [][4]


Susan Keller’s recipe for Miss Lily’s Blackberry Cobbler. This recipe comes from her Grandmother (Lilian Bays Hitch).


1 c self rising flour

1 c sugar

1 c milk

1 stick butter (melt this in a 9x13 pan)


  1. Mix flour, sugar, and milk until smooth.
  2. Pour this batter over the melted butter in the pan
  3. Place on top of all this about a quart of blackberries. (Use fresh, frozen, prepared filling)
  4. Bake at 350 degrees (about 30 minutes), until it is set. *Use any fruit you want

Recipe for Blackberry Grunt Slump provided by Dee Dee Constantine.


4 c fresh berries, or frozen berries, defrosted, drained.

1 c All purpose flour

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

2 T sugar

2 T butter

1/3 c whole milk

To make the dumplings:

  1. Wisk flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together in a medium size bowl.
  2. Cut the butter into small cubes. Add to the flower. Using your hands, or a pastry cutter, work the butter into the dry ingredients until it resembles a corse meal.
  3. Add milk, stir just until it is moist, form the mixture into a ball and set to the side.
  4. Put berries in a 2 quart saucepan. Add 1/2 to 3/4 c sugar. Depending on how sweet the berries are and how sweet you want your desert.
  5. Add 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp. lemon zest, 1/4 tsp cinnamon, 1/3 c water.
  6. Heat this mixture over medium high heat until it starts to boil. Stir a few times to be sure all berries are covered with sauce.
  7. Take your dumpling dough and tear it off into spoon size chunks of dough (about 6) and drop these onto your berries.
  8. Reduce the heat, cover the pot, and let it simmer for about 25 minutes. Do not peek inside the pot while it is cooking because you will let the steam out.
  9. Serve hot, cold, with toppings of your choice.

Recipe 3:

Blackberry Jam from Minnie Pearl Cooks


9 cups blackberries

6 cups sugar


Wash and drain berries. Combine berries and sugar

Slowly bring to a boil.

Cook until mixture almost reaches jelly point.

Spread in shallow pan.

Let stand until cool or overnight.

*If syrup is too thick, reheat and add boiling water, 1/4 cup at a time, until desired consistency is reached. If syrup is too thin, cook again until desired consistency is reached. Pour into hot, sterilized jars, and process for 20 minutes in a hot water bath. Or, follow directions for hot water bath using the Ball Blue Book. I use the Ball Blue book for all my canning directions. Makes 3 - 4 pints.

⁣ The entire Web site, and all contents on the site as well as all podcasts are copyright @2014-2021 by Campbell Creative. All rights reserved. ⁣

These blackberries grew wild at the edge of the woods at Amy’s house.

Planting by the Signs and the Moon - A Visit With Author Dr. Sarah Hall

by Amy Campbell


Sown in the Stars, Planting by the Signs by Sarah L. Hall. Published by University of Kentucky Press.

Amy interviews Author and Agricultural Professor Dr. Sarah Hall. This is a description from University of KY of her book - From University of KY Press - Sown in the Stars brings together the collective knowledge of farmers in central and eastern Kentucky about the custom of planting by the signs. Sarah Hall interviews nearly two dozen contemporary Kentuckians who still follow the signs of the moon and stars to guide planting, harvesting, canning and food preservation, butchering, and general farmwork. Hall explores the roots of this system in both astrology and astronomy and the profound connections felt to the stars, moon, planets, and the earth. Revealed in the personal narratives are the diverse interpretations of the practice. Some farmers and gardeners believe that the moon's impact on crop behavior is purely scientific, while others favor a much wider interpretation of the signs and their impact on our lives. Featuring photographs by Meg Wilson, this timely book bridges the past, present, and future by broadening our understanding of this practice and revealing its potential to increase the resiliency of our current agricultural food systems.

Purchase Book:

Planting by the Signs and the Moon - A Visit With Dr. Sarah H. Hall
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast and Radio Broadcast

Photo: Dr. Sarah L. Hall and Amy Campbell at Union Avenue Books, Knoxville. Photo: Kelly Smith Trimble. 2023. Use this link to order the book:

Houston’s Mineral Well, New Market Tennessee

by Amy Campbell

Houston’s Mineral Well, New Market Tennessee
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast & Broadcast

Houston’s Mineral Well, New Market Tennessee


Houston’s Mineral Well is located in New Market, Tennessee. Bill Houston narrates the story of Houston's Mineral Water which is still going strong since 1931. Bill Houston is the owner and operator of this Mineral Well that his Grandfather established. This well is a treasured watering hole for the community of Jefferson County, TN and beyond. It is said to have healing properties. The water healed Bill’s Grandfather after he had a dream to dig the well. Bill Houston is a gifted fine artist with a focus primarily on Tennessee landscapes. He also taught fine art to students at Carson Newman University for over 40 years. He used to teach his lecture on how to draw in perspective with the help of his Spice Girls ruler. Bill is a 3rd generation, New Market, Tennessee resident, a Tennessee treasure, and a fabulous storyteller. 

Houston's Mineral Well -

Links: Krista Reece - Author -

Fred Sauceman -

Emi Sunshine -

Photo ID: WC (Bill) Houston standing outside of his mineral well. Bill is the 3rd generation Houston to own and operate this well that his Grandfather dug. Photo: Amy Campbell, 2000.

Kermit Caughron Striped Stick Bean, Cades Cove, Tennessee

by Amy Campbell

Kermit Caughron Striped Stick Bean, Cades Cove, Tennessee
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast & Radio Broadcast

S11:E18 05/04/2024

Kermit Caughron Striped Stick Bean, Cades Cove, Tennessee

In this episode, we are setting the table with “Kermit’s Striped Stick Bean”. We visit with John and Rachel Davis, owners of J & R Farms in Blount County, Tennessee. John Davis’s great-grandmother is Lois Shuler Caughron, and her late husband is Kermit Caughron. The Caughron family has raised and saved an heirloom bean for generations named the “Striped Stick Bean”. This bean comes from the last remaining descendants of white settlers and residents of Cades Cove, Kermit, and Lois Caughron. When the Great Smoky Mountains National Park was established, the residents of Cades Cove were made to move out of the area over a certain amount of years. These last remaining residents of Cades Cove are John and Rachel Davis’s ancestors. This family is very involved with a nonprofit organization called the Cades Cove Preservation Association, and a link is below to find out more about this organization and the repository of artifacts and pictures of the families of white settlers who formerly lived in Cades Cove. I (Amy) am actively gathering recordings and information on the original settlers of Cades Cove and Eastern Tennessee Mountains, Native American residents who long before white settlers came to the area of East Tennessee. I hope to be sharing podcasts and radio shows on the Native American perspective through the lens of food over the next months.

For his “Potluck Radio” series, Fred Sauceman recalls Tennessee memories of the Franklin Club and of Raymond Bautista owner of the former restaurant “Raymond’s Fine Foods” along with Raymond’s recipe for Cole Slaw. Raymond’s Fine Foods was inducted into the Tennessee Restaurant Hall of Fame.

There will be the first fundraiser for Battlefield Farms called Gospel in the Gardens featuring the UT Gospel Choir This Benefit concert is to support Battlefield Farms which is a local non-profit organization with the mission of ending food insecurity in East Knoxville by partnering with community members to make fresh food accessable. Other live performances will be featured and food trucks will be available. This event takes place Saturday, May 4th at 6:00 PM at Payne Avenue Baptist Church at 2724 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. Knoxville TN 37914. They ask that you bring your lawn chairs. More infoormation from this link:


Rachel and John Davis of J&R Farms, Maryville, TN:

Cades Cove Preservation Association:

Bluestem Hollow Market Day Market and Farm Party

Ben Cohen and Family, Owners of Small House Farm offer for sale a limited amount of Kermit’s Striped Stick Bean seed. They have been saving and sharing this seed and the story behind it. Find out more by visiting their website:

Emi Sunshine sang our theme song when she was 9 years old:

Kermit Caughron at home in Cades Cove, inside the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Photo: Ruth Caughron Davis., Cades Cove Preservation Association:

Striped stick bean that has been passed down by the family of Kermit Caughron. Photo: Amy Campbell.

Striped stick bean that has been passed down by the family of Kermit Caughron.

Morel Mushroom Hunt and Cook and an Ode to Asparagus

by Amy Campbell

S11:E16. 04.20.2024

Morel Mushroom hunt and cook with Chris Burger and Chef Robert Allen, and Asparagus with Kelly Smith
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast and Radio Broadcast

Morel Mushroom hunt and cook with Chris Burger and Chef Robert Allen, and Asparagus with Kelly Smith Trimble.

Searching for that fifth taste of “Umami” with a morel mushroom hunt, cook, and asparagus. My guests are Chris Burger and Chef Robert Allen of Bluestem Hollow. Plus, Author and Gardener Kelly Smith Trimble. ⁣ Links:

Kelly Smith Trimble:

Bluestem Hollow:

Kelly Smith Trimble:

Emi Sunshine (sings our theme song):

Morel Mushrooms foraged from Bluestem Hollow. Photo: Amy Campbell.

Chris Burger hunter of morel mushrooms of BluestemHollow, Greenback, TN. Photo: Amy Campbell .

Derek Trimble and Kelly Smith Trimble. Kelly wrote the book The Creative Vegetable Gardener , and Derek was the Photographer for this book

Chef Robert Allen of BluestemHollow, Greenback, TN.  Photo: Amy Campbell

Small batch Tennessee Maple Syrup and Asparagus

by Amy Campbell

Small batch Tennessee Maple Syrup and Asparagus
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast and Radio Broadcast

S11:E15. 04.13.2024

Small batch Tennessee Maple Syrup and Asparagus

We welcome spring in Tennessee with Clint Smith’s Small batch Tennessee maple syrup doings. And Author, Podcaster, gardener, and YouTube channel favorite “Digging It,” Kelly Smith Trimble on the topic of Asparagus.

Clint Smith: Clint is available by email, just email me first and I will text him.

Kelly Smith Trimble:

Emi Sunshine (sings our theme song):

Clint Smith holds a bottle of his small batch of maple syrup.

Photo The kind, smart, and amazing Kelly Smith Trimble.

Special Growers, Maryville TN, and Chattanooga Bakery's Moonpie

by Amy Campbell

Special Growers, Maryville TN, and Chattanooga Bakery's Moonpie
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast and Radio Broadcast

S11:E14. 04.06.2024

Special Growers, Maryville, TN, offers workforce development training and employment for people with learning differences who age out of high school and special education classes. Their story and Chattanooga Bakery’s Moonpie on my latest podcast and radio broadcast. Hope to have the honor of your good company! Thanks! At Special Growers, they grow culinary herbs and cut flowers and are supported by area restaurants, corporate donors, and community members. Kent Davis is our guest, a founding member of Special Growers, and a parent of a child who benefitted from Special Growers. In Fred Sauceman’s Pot-Luck Radio Series, he features the Moonpie, which has been made for over 100 years by the Chattanooga Bakery in Chattanooga, TN.


Special Growers:

Fred Sauceman:

Chattanooga Bakery, makers of the Moon Pie for over 100 years:

Emi Sunshine (sings our theme song):

Chocolate Gravy and Sausage Gravy

by Amy Campbell

The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast & Broadcast
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast and Radio Broadcast

S11:E12. 03.23.2024

Chocolate Gravy and Sausage Gravy

We will be joined by singer-songwriter Verlon Thompson, his food memory of chocolate gravy, and what it meant to him as a kid growing up in Oklahoma. In addition, we will also hear Verlin Thompson’s song “DinnerBell”.

I’ll share with you the recipe I use to make chocolate gravy - and you might be surprised, it doesn’t have much fat in it. The recipe is also posted below.

In Fred Sauceman’s Pot Luck Radio series, he features the “Lord’s Acre Sale” at Hilton’s United Methodist Church in Scott County Virginia.

Links to guests:
 Verlin Thompson: Fred Sauceman:

Emi Sunshine (sings our theme song):

Chocolate Gravy Recipe

“Chocolate Gravy” is not exclusive to Appalachian cooking, but it is commonly associated with Southern Cooking. It is typically served over hot biscuits, some people would have this often, for others, only on special occasions. While it does have a good bit of white sugar, it doesn’t have as much fat as we usually associate with gravy. This recipe calls for 1 Tablespoon of butter at the end of the cooking process.


  • 1/4 c cocoa powder
  • 3 T all purpose flour 
  • 3/4 c white sugar
  • 2 c milk
  • 1 Tb soft butter
  • 2 Tb Vanilla extract


  • Whisk the cocoa, flour, and sugar together until there are no lumps. Pour the milk into the mixture and whisk until well incorporated.
  • Transfer the mixture to a saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, until its consistency is similar to gravy, 7 to 10 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and stir the butter and vanilla into the mixture until the butter is melted. Serve immediately.
  • *Usually served over hot biscuits

Amy’s chocolate gravy. A note, this plate came from the former Harold’s Jewish Delicatessen. Harold’s Deli was a fixture of Gay Street in downtown Knoxville for over 1/2 a century. It was located at 131 S. Gay Street and closed in 2005. It was owned and operated by Harold and Addie Shersky. Harold and Addie were always friendly and hospitable. This deli was a gathering place for everyone. Addie died in 2003, and Harold died in 2008. Their memory lives on.

Tyler Rogers, Chairmaker from Chattanooga, Tennessee

by Amy Campbell

Tyler Rogers, Chairmaker from Chattanooga, Tennessee
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast and Radio Broadcast

S11:E11. 03.16.2024

Tyler Rogers, Chairmaker from Chattanooga, Tennessee

Tyler Rogers from Chattanooga, Tennessee, makes wooden chairs, the old-style way with hand tools. His chairs are as beautiful as they are functional. Tyler also shares his Grandmother Wyoline Lewis's squash casserole recipe. Also, Fred Sauceman shares ham smoker Allan Benton's Red Eye Gravy recipe.


Tyler Rogers

Fred Sauceman:

Allan Benton

Emi Sunshine (sings our theme song):

Photo: The book Tyler references in the podcast and snacks he had for our visit. Photo: Amy Campbell.