Sheila Pennycuff, the woman behind the Blount County, TN Public Library Seed Library.

by Amy Campbell

Season 8, Episode 8. 02/20/2021

Sheila Pennycuff, the woman behind the Blount County, TN Public Library Seed Library.

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A visit with Sheila Pennycuff, the woman behind the Blount County Public Library “Seed Library”. Sheila shares how she started this Library, the importance of saving heirloom seed, her influences, her willingness to help other people start their own seed library in their county and news of upcoming events at the Blount County Public Library regarding Seed Saving. Mission Statement of the seed library: The Seed Library @BCPL exists to empower local home gardeners to grow and save seeds, learn about the history, culture, and growing of all kinds of plants with an emphasis on Southern Appalachian heritage varieties, and share a portion of the seeds of their harvest back to the community.

Also, we will hear from Fred Sauceman of Johnson City and his “Potluck Radio” series and visit with Ingrid Moore who arrives at 5:00 A.M. every morning to cook at the the German Restaurant “Edelweiss” in Staunton, VA.


Sheila Pennycuff of the Blount County Public Library Seed Library:

Sheila Pennycuff of the Blount County Public Library Seed Library:

Ingrid Moore of Edelweiss German Restaurant, Staunton, Virginia. She is stirring Rotkohl, red cabbage. Photo from Fred Sauceman.

Ingrid Moore of Edelweiss German Restaurant, Staunton, Virginia. She is stirring Rotkohl, red cabbage. Photo from Fred Sauceman.