Colonial James White Fort Dinner series with Chef Jeffrey DeAlejandro (OliBea), Knoxville

by Amy Campbell

Season 6, Episode 5

The Colonial James White Fort Dinner series with Chef Jeffrey DeAlejandro (OliBea), Knoxville - And Fred Sauceman’s “Pot Luck Radio” segment on a foodways exhibit currently at the Blowing Rock Art and History Museum in North Carolina. On the latest Tennessee Farm Table Podcast & Broadcast.

Plus: News on a Slow Food Tennessee Valley Valentines Dinner, and, a wild game dinner coming up in Louisville, TN.


Jeffrey DeAlexandro Link:

James White Fort:

Fred Sauceman, maker of the “Pot Luck Radio” segment:

Slow Food Tennessee Valley Valentines Dinner:

Wild Game Dinner, Louisville Town Hall, February 9th - More information by phone: 865-742-5875

Sponsor of the Tennessee Farm Table is Century Harvest Farms, and Century Harvest Farms Foundation, Greenback, Tennessee:

Chef Jeffrey DeAlejandro and crew of the Colonial James White Fort dinner series. These images come from the first in the series in January, 2019.

Chef Jeffrey DeAlejandro and crew of the Colonial James White Fort dinner series. These images come from the first in the series in January, 2019.

JWD 2.png
JWD 3.png
Poster for the Louisville, TN Wild Game dinner.

Poster for the Louisville, TN Wild Game dinner.