January 28 Show Notes:
Farmers, John & Susan Keller (Tennessee Farmer of the Year for 2014) of Kelmont Farms in Maryville, TN (this farm has been in continuous operation since 1890). Plus Susan & John also let us know about the upcoming CAPPE ChiliFest taking place February 4, 2017.
Connect with John and Susan Keller by phone: (865) 983-2174
-Attend Chilifest or connect with CAPPE (Citizens Against Pellissippi Parkway Extension): http://saveitdontpaveit.org/about/mission.html
Special event:
-Mildred Haun Conference, "Foodways: The Intersection of Food in Appalachian Literature, Culture, Traditions, and History”: http://www.ws.edu/special-events/mildred-haun/events/default.shtm
-A evening with Ronni Lundy at Dancing Bear Lodge: https://dancingbearlodge.com/event/an-evening-with-ronni-lundy/?instance_id=72
Susan and John Keller, owners & farmers of Kelmont Farms, Maryville, Tennessee.. Pictured with the table John had made for Susan out of salvaged lumber out of a barn that was torn down from Susan's Hitch Family Farm in Blount County, Tennessee.