Appalachian Food Summit 2015

by Amy Campbell

Podcasts of 4 presentations recorded live from the Appalachian Food Summit 2015 (Winner of the the SFAJohn Egerton Prize).  More information about the Appalachian Food Summit and the good people who work to make it happen:
*Keep scrolling for all recordings from A.F.S.

Introductions from Sheri Castle (A.F.S.), Mayor Ed Morgan, Town of Abingdon.  Opening Keynote by Anthony Flaccavento.

Celebrating Mountain Apples: A juicy conversation about apples as an Appalachian cultural & economic force.
Moderator: Amelia Kirby.  Presenters: Diane Flynt, Foggy Ridge Cider.  Chef Travis Milton, Shovel & Pick, Anthony Sloan, Filmmaker.

Reviving Local Economies: Lessons from Southwest Virginia.
Moderator: Lora Smith (Winner of the S.F.A. John Egerton Prize)  Presenters:  Johnna & Saul Hernandez, Mi Tierra Farm,  Mayor Ed Morgan, Town of Abingdon,  Kathlyn Terry, Appalachian Sustainable Development & Appalachian Harvest.

Salt from Farm to Table: A Look at Appalachia's First Extracted Mineral & Latest Artisanal Food. 
Moderator: Ronni Lundy.  Presenters: Nancy Bruns, J.Q.Dickinson Salt-Works, and Fine Artist Amy Catherine Evans, 2015 Appalachian Food Summit Artist in Residence.

Lora Smith and Amelia Kirby welcoming us all.

Lora Smith and Amelia Kirby welcoming us all.

The Flynts of Foggy Bottom Cider.

The Flynts of Foggy Bottom Cider.

Brett Ratliff & Chef Travis Milton.

Brett Ratliff & Chef Travis Milton.

Kathlyn Terry, Mayor Ed Morgan, Saul & Johnna Hernandez, and Anthony Flaccavento.

Kathlyn Terry, Mayor Ed Morgan, Saul & Johnna Hernandez, and Anthony Flaccavento.

Ronni Lundy, Nancy Bruns, and Amy Cameron Evans.

Ronni Lundy, Nancy Bruns, and Amy Cameron Evans.

Chef Shelley Cooper cooking the most delicious dinner along with Chef John Fleer, and Chef Travis Milton for the attendees of the Summit.

Chef Shelley Cooper cooking the most delicious dinner along with Chef John Fleer, and Chef Travis Milton for the attendees of the Summit.

Chef Travis Milton dishing out the best mac and cheese I have ever known.

Chef Travis Milton dishing out the best mac and cheese I have ever known.

Chef John Fleer dishes out marvelous cafeteria style goodness.

Chef John Fleer dishes out marvelous cafeteria style goodness.

"Rat Head" inspects a tray.

"Rat Head" inspects a tray.

Amy Campbell from the Tennessee Farm Table....let's eat!

Amy Campbell from the Tennessee Farm Table....let's eat!