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Chef Shelly Cooper, Executive Chef & Head of Culinary Operations, Dancing Bear Appalachian Bistro, Townsend, Tennessee

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Chef Shelly Cooper, Executive Chef & Head of Culinary Operations, Dancing Bear Appalachian Bistro, T Amy Campbell - The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast & Broadcast

Season 5, Episode 20, June, 16, 2018

-Chef Shelly Cooper, Executive Chef & Head of Culinary Operations, Dancing Bear Appalachian Bistro, Townsend, Tennessee. A celebration of Appalachian Cuisine. Amy visits with Chef Shelley Cooper and hear about growing up, attitudes on food, and her strong feelings about the use of the word edamame in the  American South.

-Fred Sauceman shares a “Pot Luck Radio” segment on: The Chatanooga Tennessee made Moon Pie which is celebrating it’s 100th birthday this year. 

-Big list of events and happenings that are food, farming, or agriculturally related

Links to my guests personally, or businesses:

Dancing Bear Appalachian Bistro, Townsend, Tennessee:  https://dancingbearlodge.com/townsend-tn-restaurants/

Fred Sauceman “Pot Luck Radio: https://www.facebook.com/fred.sauceman

Links to events sponsored by area non profit organizations that are specifically local food, farming, or sustainably oriented:

Century Harvest Farms http://www.centuryharvest.com/,  2nd Harvest Food Bank volunteer link: 

East Tennessee Young Farmers Coalition: https://www.facebook.com/ETNYFC/

Nourish Knoxville Market Square Farmers’ Market: https://www.nourishknoxville.org/market-square-farmers-market/

Dixie Lee Farmers’ Market: http://www.dixieleefarmersmarket.com/

Maryville Farmers’ Market: http://www.farmersmarketmaryville.com/

East Tennessee Farmers Association of Retail Marketing: http://www.easttnfarmmarkets.org/index.asp

CAC Beardsley Farm: https://www.facebook.com/beardsleyfarm/

CAC Beardsley Community Farm Annual Solstice Dinner: Beardsley Farm - https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3414443

Sevierville Market (every Friday):  https://www.facebook.com/events/533684190090056/

Eastside Sunday Market: https://www.facebook.com/EastsideSundayMarket/

Morgan County Farmers Market: https://www.facebook.com/Morganfarmersmarket/

Harriman Farmers Market: https://www.facebook.com/HarrimanFarmersMarket/

Seymour Farmers Market: http://seymourfarmersmarket.org/

East Tennessee Children’s Hospital Farmer’s Market: https://www.facebook.com/events/2015370921838195/