Legendary University of Tennessee Football Coach Phillip Fulmer on the importance of honey bees.
S11E9 03/02/2024
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Legendary University of Tennessee Football Coach Phillip Fulmer on the importance of honey bees. The Legendary University of Tennessee Football Coach Phillip Fulmer raises bees and is my guest on this episode. Coach Fulmer is passionate about raising awareness for honey bees and was generous with his time to record this story to advocate for the importance of these bees.
Note: Coach Fulmer does not sell his honey. This is something that he does for the enjoyment of it.
Links: Coach Phillip Fulmer: https://www.phillipfulmer.com/
Blount County Beekeepers Association: https://blountbees.wordpress.com/
Emi Sunshine (sings our theme song): https://theemisunshine.com/
Resources on honey, beekeeping, and how to become a beekeeper: https://www.tennesseefarmtable.com/bee-keeping-local-honey