Eastside Sunday Market & Greenback Farmers' Market in East, Tennessee
Season 7, Episode 20, June 20, 2020
Today, we are setting the table with 2 farmers’ markets in East, TN. We first visit with Chris Battle, one of the people who helped to create the Eastside Sunday Farmers’ Market located right on the edge of downtown Knoxville in East, Knoxville. This is an urban area in need of sources of fresh, nutritious produce. Chris Battle is in a mission to help bring a solution to the problem of limited access of affordable, and accessible fresh, farm grown produce for his community. We will also visit with farmer Vernon Wilson and beekeeper Larry Skidmore from the Greenback Farmer’s Market which takes place on Tuesdays at the old train depot in Greenback, TN.
Eastside Sunday Market: https://www.facebook.com/EastsideSundayMarket/
Battle Field Farm and Gardens: https://www.facebook.com/battlefieldfarmandgardens/
The Underground Collective: https://www.facebook.com/undergroundknoxville/
Greenback Farmers’ Market: https://www.facebook.com/GreenbackFarmersMarket/
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