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Memories of JFG Coffee, (Knoxville, Tennessee). & "Coffee Jack" Utsman.

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Memories of JFG Coffee (Knoxville, Tennessee) & "Coffee Jack". Amy Campbell - The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast & Broadcast

Season 5, Episode 2: January 13, 2018 Show Notes:

-Memories of JFG Coffee, Knoxville, Tennessee.  With guests are Tinah Utsman, daughter of "Coffee Jack" Utsman who was president of JFG Coffee for 20 years.  Tinah, a Knoxville treasure herself is a photographer and supporter of good things such as friends, family, children who are in need, and homeless dogs. connect with her on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/TRU-Dog-Network/195219860507511?fref=ts  

-We also get to hear a story by New Market, Tennessee's W.C.Houston, owner of Houston's Mineral Well.  Bill tells the story of Nettie Ivy who was a New Market resident.  Nettie is the woman who penned the JFG slogan "The Best Part of the Meal".   Bill is an incredibly talented fine artist and a fabulous storyteller.  Visit his website for more information http://www.wchouston.com/

-Mary Constantine, Food writer for the Knoxville News Sentinel has a delicious recipe for using coffee as a marinade for steak.  Connect with Mary on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/deedee.constantine.3?fref=ts

Support for the Tennessee Farm Table comes from Magpie’s Bakery   https://magpiescakes.com/ 

This is a picture of her father "Coffee Jack" with his dog "Grip" as a child in Rogersville, Tennessee.  Coffee Jack was President of JFG Coffee for 20 years.